2015/06/22 |
- Paper on OnCAL published in European Journal of Engineering Education
- A paper entitled "Supporting English-medium pedagogy through an online corpus of science and engineering lectures", describing details of the OnCAL project, starting from the motivations, going through the stages of development, and the functionality implemented as of April 2015, has been published in the European Journal of Engineering Education.
2014/11/07 |
- Minor revision implemented
- A minor revision, related to the way the symbol ' is treated is searches, has been implemented. Before, "we're", for example, did not appear when "we" was searched with the exact match option selected, but now "we're", or "that's", for example, do appear when "we" or "that" are searched with the exact match option selected.
2014/08/12 |
- OnCAL reported at AILA2014
- OnCAL has been reported on August 12, 2014, at the AILA World Congress 2014, held at Brisbane, Australia.
2014/03/20 |
- OnCAL reported at NPSE2014
- OnCAL has been reported for the first time to an audience composed of science education researchers on March 20, 2014, at the New Perspectives in Science Education held in Firenze, Italy.
2013/12/24 |
- OnCAL now includes pedagogical functions
- OnCAL has been revised and now provides information related to pedagogical functions. Users can now see examples of how teachers realize each pedagogical function just by choosing the function of interest. Words and expressions related to each function are registered in the system, and when the user selects a function, a fraction of those expressions are displayed. If the user inputs a word or string and restrict the search to a pedagogical function, the search will be restricted to sentences containing the words/expressions registered for that particular function.
OnCAL is still under development and the pedagogical functions listed, or the words/expressions registered for each pedagogical function, may change without announcement. Still, we hope that OnCAL will continue to provide many insights to teachers and students.